24 March 2010

The GRAPEVINE forced to close

Our sister blog, The Grapevine, has kept us up-to-date on the situation in the Diocese of San Joaquin in addition to the schismtac group lead by Mr. David Schofield a former cleric.

The Grapevine has ceased to exist as of today. Although I am not at liberty to disclose the details, the closure has to do with litigation involving the schismatic group.

My sincere thanks to those who ran The Grapevine for the excellent service they provided the Diocese of San Joaquin and the Episcopal Church by keeping us informed about the real and imaginary diocese in the Big Valley. And, I thank them for the support and help that gave me and T3LS during difficult times.

If you would like to thank those who operated The Grapevine, please use this thread to do so. I will forward your comments to them.

Well done, thou good and faithful servant.