22 July 2008

Terry Martin appointed Program Officer for Evangelism of The Episcopal Chruch

Recognizing his outstanding leadership abilities, The Episcopal Church has extended a call to Fr. Martin who has accepted the position of Program Officer for Evangelism and Congregational Life.

What a validation of his life experience his work as a priest, and his tireless efforts to evangelize the church and the world.

When Father Martin closed “Jake’s place” he listed three reasons. Reason number three was that he felt God was calling him to a new work; indeed God was calling him to an even greater work.

As Program Officer for Evangelism, Fr. Martin will visit dioceses and provinces as a staff member, Prepare resources, manage some communications, including web-based tools. According to Father Martin, there will also “be some other innovative ideas that are still being hatched.”

This will include a new blog of course: "Father T. Listens to the World; Seeking God Around the Globe"

When asked about the new appointment, Fr. Martin modestly said, “God is good, and always full of surprises, eh?”

Not surprises, Father Martin; God rewards faithful servants. Like the parable of the talents, you were given many talents and you multiplied them. Well done, Father Martin.

All of those who know Fr. T though his former blog (and they are legion) and from before in his parish work, wish him much joy and fulfillment in this new ministry to the World Wide Anglican Church.

Please take a momet to visit the Evangelism page for the Episcopal Church. The link is here.

The offical announcement is here.