18 July 2009

Jim Naughton in the Guardian

Our very own Jim Naughton has been published in Saturday's edition of the Guardian. I say, too cool.

Jim writes in response to NT Wright's FULCRUM propaganda published a couple of days ago. Here is a snippit of Jim's letter
Wright asserted that the Episcopal Church is seeking to perpetuate the schism it began six years ago in consecrating Gene Robinson, who lives in a civil union with his partner, Mark Andrew, as bishop of New Hampshire. This is not the case, but I am always grateful when Wright comments on my church. Those of us who argue in favour of the full inclusion of gay and lesbian Christians in the Anglican communion and against the centralising agenda of Rowan Williams are in need of foils, and Wright, who seems to believe condescension is a charism, fits the bill perfectly.
Go read it all, folks.